Auckland Council

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The Situation:

The Auckland Council is seeking to protect and restore Aotearoa’s native eco-systems which includes the eradication of foreign pest animals, plants and pathogens in alignment with both Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and Department of Conservation (DOC) goals to be Predator Free New Zealand by 2050. Recognising the failings of the current organisational model to achieve this goal, they sought to create a community-led programme to drive large scale behavioural change, overturning top-down bureaucracy for bottom-up community-led initiative and innovation.

The Work:

Recruited in to help engage the community in:

a co-design process of architecting the future organisational model.

1. Discovery Research

Melissa undertook in-depth one on one research interviews of a cross section of Aucklanders to understand their world view, their motivations, their needs and relationship with environmental initiatives and Auckland Council. This insight was calibrated with work undertaken by the wonderful GoodSense team, who conducted a desk top analysis of all existing research.

2. Design Phase

Melissa took the distilled insight from the discovery research and translated it into design concepts for the Design phase. Melissa then ran two rounds of ideation workshops as design sprints, with a cross section of Aucklanders from community groups, schools and churches, to monitoring experts and council rangers. The output of these workshops was then distilled down and Melissa developed these further, architecting a future organisational model blueprint. This blueprint provided a holistic system that would provide greater community engagement, drive large scale behavioural change and deliver greater robustness of environmental monitoring for both outputs (e.g. rats caught) and outcomes (e.g. native birds flourishing).

3. Stakeholder Engagement

Melissa presented back the future organisational model blueprint to the wider Council team to help them journey from their current model towards their goals. It is currently being tested in market.

The Result: Work in progress.




World Vision