The Insight

  • The ‘natural capital’ bubble is 3x larger than the CO2 bubble (Stuchtey et al 2016) and half of global business GDP, US$44 trillion, relies on Nature (World Economic Forum 2020).

    190 countries have signed the global biodiversity framework, committing governments, large companies and financial institutions to Nature-risk disclosures and action plans (COP15 2022).

    Global markets are now rapidly pricing in Nature's material costs.

    the DISRUPTIVE IMPACT on balance sheets and P&Ls is now onstream.

    If we have a 20th century business model or mindset, this will negatively effect our i. growth potential, ii. access to markets, iii. access to capital, iv. regulatory compliance, v. supply costs, and vi. brand health.

    But if we transform to Nature-positive business models, there is MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY. It could create US$10 trillion in GDP growth and 395 million new jobs by 2030 (WEF).

    Many businesses right now aren't waiting for science based target frameworks to take action. They're already on the transformational pathway. They're not just winning, they're overturning the shape of global markets, and disrupting the rules of the global economy .

    If we rapidly connect our strategy, innovation and tech to the science of life, we can disrupt and win.

    Or as Simon Sinek said in the Infinite Game “There's no such thing as winning or losing; only ahead and behind” .

  • Nature-positive sits alongside Climate. You don't just consider carbon emissions, but actively protect biodiversity, soil, water, land use, nutrient flows etc. as well.

    But this is MORE than reducing your footprint. This is MORE than compliance reporting. You aim to create a positive, regenerative effect on the living systems your business operates within, and depends upon. You aim to create conditions for life to flourish.

    This means your strategy, innovations and business model have to connect with the science of living systems.

    Our research shows there are not one but FOUR design axes of value you need to consider when re/designing your strategy, innovation and business model.

    Each one helps you see, unlock and leverage the deep patterns of how Nature works:

    1. Transforming to cleaner, more renewable, non-toxic solutions (ECOLOGY)

    2. Shifting to more ethical, equitable, dignified and autonomous solutions for people, communities, and other species (ETHICS)

    3. Shifting to more circular systems that keep materials, energy and information in flow (SYSTEMS)

    4. Transforming to unlock our full bio-potential, tapping into the genius of Nature’s R&D biotech toolkit (BIOMIMCRY)

    (This last one is really cool.)

  • We can go ONE STEP FURTHER. Not just protect Nature. But emulate Nature.

    There is a 88%+ INNOVATION GAP between how biology designs and how humans design (Vincent and Mann 2011).

    Nature’s playbook is high value, high performance, high growth. Tried, tested and proven for the last 3.8 billion years. And it's open source R&D biotech genius, we can plug and play.

    When we discard the old business human-centered design playbook (that enforces low value, high risk leverage points), and use Nature's playbook instead, we open up massive innovation and market-disrupting potential. And we play at the highest order of sustainability.

    Right now bleeding edge businesses around the world are leveraging Nature’s genius. And reaping the rewards.

    1. Multi-revenue stream creating.

    2. Demand-led B2B and B2C growth.

    3. Scalable.

    4. De-risked.

    5. Lower costs

    6. More profitable.

    What we really really love is that in Nature's playbook, leverage is abundant. Not in some Pollyanna world view kind of way, but as a deep design principle. And it’s way more fun!

    Not just Nature-positive, but Nature-played.

    Welcome to the bright side.

From researching 100 years of regenerative living-systems principles, and cross-calibrating with business re/design, Melissa gained key insights. Here are the top three.


There isn’t just one value axis. There’s four.

Redesigning business is all about unlocking value. So how we define value really matters. Living systems unlock value in multiple ways. Working off not just one value axis, but four.

All four work in relationship together to help you transform to play a Nature-positive game. All four help you sense, seize and scale value potential in your living world. Environmentally and socially.

These feed directly into our t.METHOD compass, to build your BQ™. Your biological quotient. Helping you make better strategic decisions.



The chasm of context in business design tools

Most strategy & innovation tools gravitate around the immateriality of market, competitor and emerging digitization tech trends. The materiality of the living world, and the lived experience is missing.

Most Nature conversations gravitate around compliance, tracking and disclosure reporting. The connection between the science and the strategy tools has not been made.

This is why our t.METHOD canvas is rooted first in the context of the living world. And this informs a sequenced process of strategy. In our Age of Biology, this helps you make way better strategic decisions.


The language deficit of leverage

Most strategy & innovation tools advocate for a win-lose, zero-sum game of leverage. Based on things like extraction, exploitation, price arbitrage, restricted market access or data mining.

This doesn’t just create inequalities, but a massive amount of material and energy entropy. i.e. lost value potential. Nature leverages differently. Leaning into tension. And leveraging what’s abundant. (wind, gravity, fluid dynamics, electromagnetic forces, surface tension, symbiotic relationships etc)

This is why an abundant mindset is critical to transformation. And why biomimicry is key, to bridge the biotech genius of how Nature designs. As Buckminster Fuller said “Work with life centered principles & the universe pitches in to help.”

Why does this matter?

Because as global markets price in the materiality of the living world, there isn’t just huge risk. There’s huge opportunity.

But how you strategize, innovation, transform and disrupt needs to change. How you DIAGNOSE . DISCOVER . DESIGN . DECIDE . DEPLOY needs to work from a new playbook.

using life-centered design thinking

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