Capability Building

Are you wanting to build your capability in living systems design thinking?

We’ve decoupled the cross-cutting skills woven into our t.METHOD, to create our t.Upskill programs. So you have the capabilities to play the bigger Nature game.

  • You're a design thinker.

    You might be an Exec people leader, a Board member, or industry leader. You might be a management, design or sustainability consultant. You might be an Educator. You might simply be curious.

    You’re keen to keep abreast of the latest thinking, build your / your teams' capabilities, and provide strong strategic direction.

    You're asking yourself:

    How can I upskill in Nature Positive and life-centered design thinking? How can I build my team's capabilities? In regenerative business practice? How can I ensure strategy and innovation decisions are strong? How can I better guide / advise others?

  • To upskill in Biomimicry, Ecology, Ethics and Systems thinking?

    To upskill in dynamic capabilities of Sensing, Seizing and Scaling value?

    To learn bleeding Biomimicry edge case studies?

    To get Nature-positive, life-centered design principles and strategic decision making criteria?

t.UPSKILL Regenerative business program

Next cohort (tbc build mode)

Online live Zoom | 6 modules | 6 weeks

This is our foundational course to introduce the 4 aspects of re/designing a regenerative business. Systems, ecology, ethics and biomimicry design. Each week, in turn, we go through one aspect, highlighting the key regenerative principles you need to strengthen your strategy and innovation practice.

As run within the Academy EX Masters Innovation program. Now leveled up with biomimicry.

This course is designed to be as accessible as possible. No prior knowledge is required.

Also available in-house, tailored to suit.

t.UPSKILL Dynamic Strategy program

Next cohort (tbc build mode)

Online live Zoom | 6 modules | 6 weeks

This is a dedicated course to build up your strategic sensing, seizing, scaling capabilities (called ‘dynamic capabilities’) as a leadership practice. We unpack each in turn, and learn the key regenerative levers to pull to transform value potential, and avoid value risk, with a bio-living system lens.

This is a mindset-shifting game changer to help you with your strategic decision making. Where to play. What to leverage. How to deploy.

As run with Callaghan Innovation with CEOs and within the Academy EX Masters of Innovation programs. Now leveled up with a biomimicry bio-lens.

This course is designed for strategists and business transformers. No prior knowledge is required.

Also available in-house, tailored to suit.

t.UPSKILL Biomimicry Innovation program

Next cohort (tbc build mode)

Online live Zoom | 6 modules | 6 weeks

This is a dedicated course on Biomimicry as an innovation practice. We unpack, in turn, what Biomimicry is and how to practice it. Illustrated with bleeding edge cross-sector case studies.

This is our new course, based on Melissa’s MSc in Biomimicry, overlaid onto existing innovation programs she has run at Academy EX and inhouse, with businesses like Miraka.

This course is designed specifically for designers and innovators. Some prior knowledge is required in design thinking. And no, no science background is needed.

Also available in-house, tailored to suit.

What are Nature-played, living systems design capabilities?

And why do they matter?

If we want to tap into the huge market-disrupting opportunities that exist, we need to level up our capabilities.

  • There is a growing global movement amongst business leaders, strategists, innovators, designers, management and sustainability consultants to use a different design thinking playbook. Nature.

    Why? To radically reinvent the business world around us, designed with old 20th century thinking. To redesign our products, services, platforms and even our business models. regeneratively.

    If we use Nature’s design playbook, we open up huge market disrupting opportunities for innovation, new revenue streams, and profitable growth.

    But to shift our practice we have to shift our thinking.

    There are TWO BIG SHIFTS to make.

    1. The first shift is from human-centered to life-centered design. This means we redesign things in relationship to Nature’s living systems and all the other species we cohabit Earth with. We redesign to protect and restore biodiversity, water, soil, land, nutrient flows. This is what Nature-positive is all about.

    2. The second shift is to from life-centered to life-leveraged design. This means we tap into the deep patterns and principles of Nature’s playbook. We don't just protect Nature - we learn from Nature. This enables us to innovate in radically new ways, from accessing Nature’s 3.8B year old biotech genius.

    These two shifts together represent a 180° flip in business design thinking when applied to strategy, innovation and business model design. They require a different lens and logic. And entirely different set of leverage points.

    It's like reprograming the business hardcoding we’ve been taught around value, value risk, and value potential.

  • Our research shows that there are FOUR VALUE AXES to consider. That work interdependently together.

    i. Value flow (systems). ii. Value regeneration (ecology). iii. Equitable value exchanges (ethics). And iv. value potentiality (biomimicry).

    Nature works using all four axes. But most of us in business aren’t taught science, so it’s hard to see biological value, let alone biological value potential.

    Which means our ability to sense, size, scale and transform value, called our ‘dynamic capabilities, can be a challenge. (In fact poor dynamic capabilities are the #1 barrier* behind business innovation and new venture failure.)

    We're here to help.

Global research USA. NZ. China. Sweden. Brazil. Spain.

Where next?

Register for our next public course, or say and let’s create an in-house program, together.